Kenneth J. Meier
“Issue Voting and Voter Rationality: A Panel Analysis.” APSA, 1974, with Thomas Patterson and Robert McClure.
“Public Opinion, Public Policy, and Administrative Responsiveness.” MPSA 1975, with Lloyd G. Nigro.
“Representative Bureaucracy and Policy Preferences: A Study in the Attitudes of Federal Executives.” APSA, 1975, with Lloyd G. Nigro.
“Unrepresentative Bureaucracies: Socialization, Segregation, Symbols.” Syracuse University Symposium on Public Personnel Administration, 1976.
“Regulatory Administration and Organizational Rigidity.” MPSA 1976, with John P. Plumlee.
“The Policy Impact of Affirmative Action: Racial Representation in the States.” SWPSA, 1976.
“Issue Voting: An Empirical Examination of Nine Individually Necessary and Jointly Sufficient Conditions.” WPSA, 1976, with James Campbell.
“Bureaucratic Influence: Resources and Autonomy in the Department of Agriculture.” MPSA, 1977.
“Bureaus, Clients and Congress.” ASPA Region VIII, 1977.
“Bureaucratic Power: The Impact of Clientele, Expertise, Leadership and Vitality.” APSA, 1977.
“The Agricultural Research Service and Its Clientele: The Politics of Food Research.” SWPSA, 1977.
“Capture and Rigidity in Regulatory Administration.” APSA 1978, with John P. Plumlee.
“Style Issue Voting: By the Strength of the Echo.” WPSA 1978, with James Campbell.
‘Pressure Groups and Agency Resources: Variations in House/Senate Responsiveness.” SPSA 1978.
“Agricultural Interest Groups: Impact on Public Policy.” Fourth Annual Hendricks Public Policy Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1978.
“Pressure Groups in Congress: The Impact of Individual Interest Groups on Public Policy.” SWPSA 1979, with Allen O. Weise.
“Government Reorganization for Economy and Efficiency.” MPSA, 1979.
“House Senate Variations in Committee Responsiveness to Interest Groups.” APSA 1979.
“The Impact of Organizational Structure on Regulatory Policy.” Symposium on Strategies for Change in Regulatory Policy, Chicago, 1979, with John P. Plumlee.
“Changing Farm Structure and Interest Groups.” Conference on Farm Structure and Agricultural Policy, Ames, Iowa, 1980, with William Browne.
“Speed Kills: A Longitudinal Analysis of Traffic Fatalities and the 55 MPH Speed Limit.” MPSA 1980, with David R. Morgan.
“Speeding and Traffic Deaths: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the 55 MPH Limit.” SWPSA, 1980, with David Morgan.
“Citizen Compliance with Federal Policy: The National Maximum Speed Law.” SPSA 1980, with David R. Morgan.
“Micropolitical Economy: The Biases of Cost-Benefit Analysis.” MPSA 1981.
“A Closer Look at Mixed Electoral Systems.” APSA 1981, with Robert England and Ted Robinson.
“Technology, Politics and Public Policy: Deregulating Financial Institutions.” MPSA 1982.
‘The Impact of Black Representation on Public Policy: The Case of Education.” APSA 1982, with Robert England.
“The Impact of Internal Constraints on Interest Groups.” SWPSA 1982.
“Economics, Technology, and Public Policy: Deregulating the Thrift Industry.” SWPSA 1983, with Kim W. Mulinix.
“Black Teachers and Black Students: The Policy Impact of Minority Representation.” presented at the 1983 Hendricks Symposium, Lincoln, NE.
“Consumerism or Protectionism: State Regulation of Occupations.” APSA 1983.
“Second Generation Discrimination Against Black Students.” MPSA 1984 with Robert E. England.
“The Politics of Consumer Protection Policy.” WPSA 1985.
“Little Groups of Actuaries: The Politics of Regulating Insurance.” APSA 1985
“Second Generation School Discrimination: A Longitudinal Analysis.” SWPSA 1986, with Robert England and Luis Fraga.
“Helping Out the Rich: The Impact of the Medical Malpractice Insurance Reforms.” MPSA 1986, with Gary W. Copeland.
“The Politics of Injury: Explaining State Legislative Responses to the Medical Malpractice Insurance Crisis.” SWPSA 1986, with Gary W. Copeland.
“Fewer Doctors, Better Medicine: The Incentives of Malpractice Insurance and the Quality of Medical Care.” APSA 1986, with Gary W. Copeland.
“Local Politics and Educational Policy.” APSA 1986, with Luis Fraga and Robert England.
“Shoot Low, Boys. They're Riding Shetland Ponies. OR Why Are People Saying Those Nasty Things About Public Administration and What Can Be Done About It?” APSA 1987, with Joseph Stewart.
“Military Intelligence, Catholic Universities, and Legal Ethics: Regulating the Practice of Law.” APSA 1987.
“Black Representation in Urban School Districts: From School Board to Office to Classroom.” WPSA 1988, with Joseph Stewart and Robert England.
“The Evolution of Second Generation Discrimination Against Blacks.” SPSA 1988, with Joseph Stewart.
“How Ya Gonna' Keep 'Em Down in School After They've Seen Special Ed?” SWPSA 1989, with Joseph Stewart.
“Recruiting Hispanic Teachers: Increasing Representational Equity Among Education's Street Level Bureaucrats.” Western Social Science Association, 1989, with Joseph Stewart.
“In Search of Rainbow Coalitions: Racial/Ethnic Representation on Public School Boards.” APSA 1989, with Joseph Stewart.
“Conflict and Cooperation in Multiracial School Districts: Elections and Public Policy.” APSA 1990, with Joseph Stewart.
“I Seen My Opportunities, and I Took 'Em: Political Corruption in the American States.” APSA 1990, with Thomas M. Holbrook.
“Political Institutions and the Control of U.S. Drug Enforcement Policies.” MPSA 1991.
“Representative Bureaucracy: What We Have Learned.” ASPA 1991.
“Active Representation in Educational Bureaucracies: Policy Impacts.” APSA 1991, with Joseph Stewart.
“Determinants of State Policies toward Funding Abortions: 1985-1989.”American Public Health Association, 1991, with Deborah R. McFarlane.
“Representative Bureaucracy: Latinos and the Policy Process.” SPSA 1991, with Joseph Stewart.
“Bureaucracy and Political Corruption: Patterns in the American States.” Conference on the Study of Government Ethics, Park City Utah, June 12-15, 1991, with Thomas M. Holbrook.
“Latino Students and Educational Equity: A Pooled Time Series Analysis.” SWPSA 1992.
“Equal Access to Educational Opportunities: Latino Students in Florida.” Inter-University Program/Social Science Research Council Hispanic Committee IVth Annual Forum, Albuquerque, NM, May 2-3, 1992.
“Implementing Civil Rights Policy: The Case of Educational Access.” APSA 1992.
“Determinants of State Abortion Levels: 1982-1988.”American Public Health Association, 1992, with Deborah R. McFarlane.
“Principal-Agents and County Agents: Politics, Bureaucracy and Agriculture Policy.” MPSA 1993, with Robert D. Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Public Administration Theory.” APSA 1993.
“The Policy Consequences of Institutional Design: Or How We Lost the War on Drugs.” 1993 National Public Management Research Conference, Madison, WI, Sept. 30-Oct 2.
“Public Sector Savings from State Abortion Expenditures.” American Public Health Association, 1993, with Deborah R. McFarlane.
“The Clinton Administration and the DHHS Office of Population Affairs: The October 1993 Report Card.” American Public Health Association, 1993, with Deborah R. McFarlane.
“Buying the Farm: The Political Economy of Farm Debt.” APSA 1994, with Robert D. Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Get Your Tongue Out of My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissin' You Goodbye: The Politics of Ideas.” SWPSA 1995.
“The Politics of Gay and Lesbian Rights: Expanding the Scope of the Conflict.” MPSA 1995, with Donald P. Haider-Markel.
“Principal-Agent Models: A Theoretical Cul-de-sac.” MPSA 1995, with Richard Waterman.
“Race, Ethnicity, and Educational Performance.” MPSA 1995, with Robert D. Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Public Management and Policy Design: The Case of Child Support Enforcement.” 1995 National Public Management Conference, Lawrence Kansas, with Lael R. Keiser.
“Assessing the Impact of Post-Webster Restrictions on Abortion.” American Public Health Association, 1995, with Donald P. Haider-Markel, Anthony Stanislawski, and Deborah R. McFarlane.
“Spurious Thinking and Spurious Relationships: Really Thinking About Crime.” MPSA 1996, with Lael R. Keiser.
“Public Administration as a Science of the Artificial: A Methodology for Prescription.” APSA 1996, with Lael R. Keiser.
“Government Regulation When Behavior Is Addictive: Cigarettes, Taxes, and Health Warnings.” APSA 1996, with Michael J. Licari.
“Bureaucracy and Democracy: The Case for Less Democracy and More Bureaucracy.” presentation at the 1996 symposium to honor Dwight Waldo, Syracuse University, June 27-9.
“Equity and Excellence in Education: A Substantively Weighted Least Squares Analysis.” MPSA 1997, with Robert Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll: Two Theories of Morality Politics.” APSA 1997.
“Public Policy Design: Combining Policy Instruments.” APSA 1997, with Michael J. Licari.
“Optimal Performance versus Risk Aversion: An Application of Substantive Weighted Least Squares.” Fourth National Public Management Conference, Athens, Georgia, 1997, with Jeff Gill and George Waller.
“Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery versus Ralph's Super Market: Separating Excellent Agencies from the Good Ones” MPSA 1998, with Jeff Gill.
“Representative Bureaucracy and Distributional Equity: Assessing the Hard Question” MPSA 1998, with Robert Wrinkle and J. R. Polinard.
“Organizational Cheating: The Anti-Solution to the Principal-Agent Problem.” MPSA 1999, with John Bohte.
“Bureaucracy and Student Achievement: Addressing the Causal Connection.” MPSA 1999, with J.L. Polinard and Robert D. Wrinkle.
“Modeling the Impact of Public Management: Implications of Structural Context.” University of Arizona Conference on Models and Management, April 1999, with Laurence J. O'Toole.
“Public Administration Research and Practice: A Methodological Manifesto.” Fifth National Public Management Conference, 1999, College Station, Texas, with Jeff Gill.
“Minority Teachers and Access to Quality Education.” Conference on Interdisciplinary Pathways to Children's Learning, Bloomington, IN, August 8-10, 1999.
“Educating Certain People: Race, Class and Education.” SPSA 1999, with Robert D. Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Structure and Discretion: Missing Links in Representative Bureaucracy.” MPSA 2000, with John Bohte.
“Not with a Bang But a Whimper: How Organizations Fail.” MPSA 2000, with John Bohte.
“Changing Dimes to Dollars: An Empirical Look at Maslow’s and Herzberg’s Motivation Theories.” APSA 2000, with Warren Eller and Carl Doerfler.
“Gender, Identity, and Representative Bureaucracy: A Neoinstitutional Approach.” APSA 2000, with Lael Keiser, Catherine Holland, and Vicky Wilkins.
“Managerial Strategies and Behavior in Networks: A Model with Evidence from U.S. Public Education.” Fifth International Research Symposium on Public Management, CIES, University of Barcelona, 2001, with Laurence O’Toole.
“Organizations and Inputs: A Path Dependent Analysis of Minority Student Achievement.” MPSA 2001, with Robert Wrinkle, Scott Robinson, and J.L. Polinard.
“Policy Implementation and Network Management: The Case of U.S. Education Policy.” Annual meeting of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Kent UK, September 2001, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“The Effect of New Goals and Priorities on Agency Responsiveness to Traditional Clientele: An Examination of the EEOC.” APSA 2001, with Michael Pennington and Warren Eller.
“Representative Bureaucracy and Environmental Change: The Creation of a Gender Gap.” APSA 2001 with Julie Dolan.
“The Politics of Death: Government Policies and the AIDS Epidemic in Africa.” MPSA 2001, with Jill Nicholson-Crotty.
“Crime and Punishment: The Politics of Federal Criminal Justice Policy.” MPSA 2001, with Sean Nicholson-Crotty.
“Measuring Public Management Quality: Validation of a Market-Based Measure.” Paper presented at the Sixth
National Public Management Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, October 19-20, 2001, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Bureaucracy Versus Politics: An Empirical Test.” Texas A&M Conference on Political Control of the Bureaucracy, March 1-2, 2002, with Sean Nicholson-Crotty and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Size Doesn’t Matter: In Defense of the Small n.” SWPSA, 2002, with Sean Nicholson Crotty
“Plus ça Change: Public Management, Personnel Stability, and Organizational Performance.” Bush School Conference on Improving Government Performance, February 2002, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“The Politics of Latino Education.” WPSA 2002 with Valerie Martinez-Ebers and David Leal.
“Benevolent Dictator or Queen of Hearts: The Experience of Women Managers in Bureaucracies.” MPSA 2002, with Jill Nicholson-Crotty.
“The Politics of School Finance: Passing School Bonds.” MPSA 2002, with Nick Theobald.
“Presidential Signaling in the Economy.” APSA 2002, with Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha.
“Gender, Representative Bureaucracy and Law Enforcement: The Case of Sexual Assault.” APSA 2002, with Jill Nicholson-Crotty.
“Measuring the Impact of Network Management on Performance.” International Conference on the Empirical Study of Governance, Management, and Performance, Barcelona Spain, October 4-5, 2002, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Political Structure and Representatives’ Effectiveness: The Case of Latino School Board Members.” WPSA 2003, with Valerie Martinez-Ebers, David Leal, and Eric Gonzalez Juenke.
“Gender and Management at the Local Level: The Case of School Districts.” MPSA 2003, with Jill Nicholson-Crotty and Alisa K. Hicklin.
“Structural Choices and Representational Biases: What You See May Not Be What You Get.” MPSA 2003, with Eric Gonzalez Juenke, Robert D. Wrinkle and J.L. Polinard.
“Delivering Local Government Results in Intergovernmental Networks: Impacts of Structural Networks and Managerial Networking.” European Consortium for Political Research. Marburg Germany, Sept. 18-21, 2003, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Managing Upward, Downward, and Outward: Networks, Hierarchical Relationships and Performance.” APSA 2003, with Laurence J. O’Toole and Sean Nicholson-Crotty.
“Electoral Structure and the Quality of Representation: The Policy Consequences of School Board Elections.” Harvard Conference on School Boards: Politics and Elections, Cambridge, MA Oct. 16-17, 2003, with Eric Gonzalez Juenke.
“Desperately Seeking Selznick: Cooptation and the Dark Side of Managing Networks.” Seventh National Public Management Research Association, Georgetown University, October 10-11, 2003, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“All That Glitters Is Not Gold: The Benefits and Costs of Network Management.” Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, November 6-9, 2003, Washington D.C., with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Explaining Policy Punctuations: A Multivariate Model of the Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Public Agency Budgets.” MPSA, 2004, with Scott Robinson, Floun’say Caver, and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Gender and Emotional Labor in Public Organizations: An Empirical Examination of the Link to Performance.” MPSA 2004, with Kristin Wilson.
“Management Activity and Program Performance: Gender as Management Capital.” MPSA 2004, with Holly Goerdel and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Governance and Performance: Identifying Variables and Explaining Causality.” Conference on Governance and Performance.” The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, March 15-16, 2004.
“Representative Bureaucracy, Organizational Strategy and Public Service Performance: An Empirical Analysis of English Local Governments.” Conference on Determinants of Performance in Public Organizations, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, May 6-8, 2004, with Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Laurence O’Toole, and Richard Walker.
“Unsung Impossible Jobs: The Politics of Public Management.” APSA 2004, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Gender, Race and the Theory of Representative Bureaucracy.” MPSA 2005, with Lael Keiser, Daniel Hawes and Marvin Overby.
“How Much Diversity is Needed to Affect Organizational Performance.” MPSA 2005, with Sharon Mastracci.
“Networking in the Penumbra: Public Management, Cooptative Links, and Distributional Consequences.” 21st European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Berlin Germany, June 30-July 2, 2005, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Strategic Management and Public Organizations: Testing Venerable Ideas against Recent Theories.” APSA 2005 with Laurence J. O’Toole, George A. Boyne and Richard Walker.
“Social Capital and Diversity: Evaluating the Determinants of Equality in the American States.” APSA 2005, with Rene Rocha and Daniel Hawes.
“Political Control versus Democratic Values: Reframing the Debate.” 8th National Public Management Research Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2005, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Modeling Public Management: Empirical Analysis of the Management-Performance Nexus.” Tenth International Research Symposium on Public Management, Glasgow, Scotland, April 10-12, 2006, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Latino Politics and the States: How Political Culture Interacts with Electoral Structure.” WPSA 2006, with Rene Rocha, Christopher Olds and Erica Solis.
“Strategic Public Management and Performance: A Contingency Approach.” MPSA 2006, with Holly T. Goerdel and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Nonlinear Impacts of Managerial Networking in Public Organizations.” A Performing Public Sector: The Second Trans-Atlantic Dialogue, Catholic University, Lueven Belgium, June 1-3, 2006, with Alisa K. Hicklin and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“The Role of Management in Improving Performance of Disadvantaged Students: An Application of Bum Phillips’ ‘Don Shula Rule.’” APSA 2006, with Alisa Hicklin, Daniel Hawes, Rene Rocha and Carl Doerfler.
“Management Theory and Occam’s Razor: How Public Organizations Buffer the Environment.” APSA 2006, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“The Dog that Didn’t Bark: How Public Managers Handle Environmental Shocks.” International Conference on The Determinants of Performance in Public Organizations II, University of Hong Kong, December 7-10, 2006, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
"Calming the Storm: Collaborative Public Management, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and Disaster Response." The Maxwell School Conference on “Collaborative Public Management,” Washington, DC, September 28-30, 2006, with Scott Robinson, Alisa Hicklin and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Rain: Public Management and Performance after a Natural Disaster.” International Public Management Research Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, April 2-4, 2007, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Wake Up Call: Network Alarms, Strategy and Performance.” International Public Management Research Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, April 2-4, 2007, with Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Laurence O’Toole, and Richard Walker.
“Hoping for the Dick Vermeil Effect: How Prior Performance Influences the Selection Decision.” MPSA 2007, with Vicky Wilkins and Madinah Hamidullah.
“Strategy, Structure, Process and Environment in English Local Governments.” MPSA 2007, with Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Laurence O’Toole, and Richard Walker.
“Testing the Theoretical Determinants of Political Control over the Bureaucracy: Taking Wood and Waterman Seriously.” APSA 2007, with Laurence J. O’Toole and Daniel P. Hawes.
“The Human Side of Public Organizations: Contributions to Organizational Performance.” International Research Society for Public Management, Brisbane, Australia, March 26-8, 2008, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
"More Pieces in the Puzzle: Gender, Representative Bureaucracy and the EEOC." MPSA 2008, with Vicky Wilkins and Madinah Hamidullah.
“Race, Representation, and Region: The Puzzle of the Politics of African American Education.” MPSA 2008, with Sadé Walker and Meredith Walker.
“Tejanos, TAKS, and Taxes: The Politics of K-12 Education in Texas.” Conference on Latinos and Public Policy in Texas, Austin, TX, April 11-12, 2008, with Erin K. Melton.
“Beware of Managers Not Bearing Gifts: How Management Capacity Augments the Impact of Managerial Networking.” APSA 2008, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Putting Schools on a Diet: Health Inequality and Policy Learning in Fighting Youth Obesity.” APSA 2008, with Ling Zhu.
“When Politics Fails: Can Management Bring Democracy to Administration?” Conference on Administration, Democracy, and Performance, Manchester University (UK), September 11, 2008, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Organizing for Performance: Is Structure the Missing Link between Strategic Alignment and Organizational Outcomes?” XIII International Research Symposium on Public Management, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Denmark, April 6-9, 2009, with Rhys Andrews, George Boyne, Laurence O’Toole and Richard Walker.
“Managing Higher Education: A Comparison of Public and Private Universities.” MPSA 2009, with Laurence J. O’Toole and Alisa K. Hicklin.
“Latino Diversity and the Politics of Education.” Conference on Minorities in Subnational Government, Rice University, May 15-16, 2009.
“Race, Class and Education Policy: Second Generation Discrimination in the 21st Century.” APSA 2009, with Meredith Walker and Sade Walker.
“Rowing in the Same Direction: The Impact of Managerial Consensus on Program Performance.” APSA 2009, with Laurence J. O’Toole and Alisa K. Hicklin.
“Environmental Jolts and Public Service Performance.” Public Management Research Conference, Columbus OH, Oct. 1-3, 2009, with Rhys Andrews, George A. Boyne, Laurence J. O’Toole and Richard M. Walker.
“Theory of Management in Public and Private Organizations.” Public Management Research Conference, Columbus OH, Oct. 1-3, 2009, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“I Think (I am doing well), Therefore I Am: Assessing the Validity of Administrators’ Self-assessments of Performance.” MPSA 2010, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Latino Homogeneity: Unexpected Outcomes in the Multiracial Politics of Education.” MPSA 2010, with Erin K. Melton.
“For the Want of a Nail: The Interaction of Managerial Capacity and Human Resources Management on Organizational Performance.” Conference on Management in Public Services, Center for Markets and Public Organization, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, April 30, 2010.
“Organizational Performance: Measurement Theory and an Application.” APSA 2010, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Institutional Representation in a Cross-national Perspective: Generalizing from Bureaucracy.” Texas A&M Conference on Democratic Representation, November 12-13, 2010, College Station, TX.
“Taxes, Incentives, and Economic Growth: Assessing the Impact of Pro-business Taxes on U.S. State Economies.” MPSA 2011, with Soledad Artiz.
“When Politics Fails: Can Bureaucracy Bring Democracy to Governance?” MPSA 2011 with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Isopraxis Leadership: Self-Efficacy, Management Strategy and Organizational Performance.” 11th Biannual Public Management Association Conference, Syracuse NY, June 2-4, 2011, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Measuring Organizational Buffering: A Sequential MCMC Approach.” 11th Biannual Public Management Association Conference, Syracuse NY, June 2-4, 2011, with Ling Zhu.
“Evaluating Urban Public Schools: Parents, Teachers and State Assessments.” APSA 2011, with Nathan Favero.
“Bureaucracy, Politics, and Democracy: Testing Theories of Political Control over the Bureaucracy.” APSA 2011, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Public Management and Monomethod Bias: Avoiding Spurious Results in Survey Research.” Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, November 3-5, 2011, Washington DC, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Governance Reform: From Theory to Action.” Fordham Institute Conference on Educational Governance for the Twenty-First Century Washington DC, December 1, 2011.
“Internally and Externally Oriented Public Management Activity and Performance in Dutch Primary Education.” SPSA, New Orleans, LA, January 12-4, 2012, with René Torenvlied, Agnes Akkerman, and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“The Effect of Autonomy on Managers and their Performance.” SPSA, New Orleans, LA, January 12-4, 2012, with Simon Calmar Andersen, Søren Winter, and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“A Normative Theory of Bureaucracy: Lessons from H. George Frederickson.” Festshrift in Honor of H. George Frederickson, University of Kansas, April 13, 2012.
“The Politics of Poverty.” MPSA April 12-15, 2012, with Soledad Artiz.
“Public Schools as Multidimensional Institutions: Examining Parent and Teacher Evaluations.” MPSA April 12-15, 2012, with Nathan Favero.
“For the Want of a Bureaucrat: Administrative Capacity and Public Health in Africa.” MPSA April 12-15, 2012, with Cameron Wimpy and Marlette Jackson.
“Performance in the Polder: A Test of the Public Management Model in Dutch Primary Education.” Presented at the Public Management Research Conference: Seeking Excellence in a Time of Change. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, May 25-7, 2012, with René Torienvlied, Agnes Akkerman, and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Goals, Communication, Participation and Feedback: Midlevel Management and Traditional Public Administration.” APSA August 30-September 2, 2012, with Nathan Favero and Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Business Climate, Income Inequality and Economic Growth: An Environment for Inequality.” APSA August 30-September 2, 2012, with Soledad Artiz.
“Size, Delegation, and Coproduction: The Impact on Organizational Performance.” Conference on Public Management, Århus University, Denmark, Sept. 28-9, 2012, with Tabitha S.M. Morton.
“Public Management and Performance: A Theory of Context.” SPSA, Orlando, Florida, January 12-14, 2013, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Networking Management, Social Capital and Student Performance in Physical Fitness: Evidence from Texas School Districts.” SPSA, Orlando, Florida, January 12-14, 2013, with Ling Zhu and Angela Allison.
“New Growth . . . New Politics? The Political Dynamics of Latino Education.” MPSA, Chicago, IL, April 10-14, 2013, with Angel Luis Molina, Jr.
“Goals and Goal Ambiguity, Communication, Participation, and Feedback: Midlevel Management and Traditional Public Administration.” MPSA, Chicago, IL, April 10-14, 2013, with Nathan Favero and Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr.
“Public Management and Performance: A Theory of Context.” 12th Public Management Research Association Meetings, Madison WI, June 20-22, 2013, with Laurence J. O’Toole.
“Management Decisions in a Performance Driven System: Theory and Empirical Tests in Higher Education.” 12th Public Management Research Association Meetings, Madison WI, June 20-22, 2013, with Amanda Rutherford.
“Formalizing Punctuated Equilibrium: Constructing a Falsifiable Theory of Policy Change,” APSA August 2013, with Nathan Favero.
“Public Management, Context, and Performance: In Quest of a More General Theory,” APSA August 2013, with Laurence J. O’Toole Jr.
“The Role of Managerial Contexts at National and Local Levels: Public Management and Performance in U.S. and Denmark Schools,” SPSA January 2014, with Nathan Favero, Simon Calmar Andersen, Laurence J. O'Toole and Søren Winter.
“Social Capital and Bureaucratic Performance: Testing Dynamic Hypotheses.” SPSA, January 2014, with Mallory Compton.
“Proverbs and the Evolution of Public Administration.” American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC, March 17, 2014.
“The Impact of Tax Policy on Income Inequality in the States.” MPSA 2014, with Soledad Artiz Prillaman.
“Transcending Theory and Unidimensionality: An Empirical Exposition of Public Manager Types,” MPSA 2014, with Vibeke Nielsen, Mogens Pedersen, and Nathan Favero.
“Social Context, Management Strategies, and Organizational Performance: How Social Capital Moderates Managerial Effects.” International Research Symposium on Public Management, Ottawa, Canada April 9, 2014, with Nathan Favero and Mallory Compton.
“Help! I Need Somebody: Performance Information and Managerial Networking in Public, NonProfit, and Private Nursing Homes.” Public Management Research Conference, Seoul, South Korea, June 29-July 1, 2014, with Ohbet Cheon.
“Administrative Capacity and Health Care in Africa: Path Dependence as a Contextual Variable.” Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 2-5, 2014, with Cameron Wimpy and Marlette Jackson.
“Race, Structure and Partisanship: Effective Substantive Representation in Urban Education.” APSA 2014, with Amanda Rutherford.
“Let Them Eat Tax Credits: State Tax Policy and Income Inequality.” APSA 2014, with Soledad Artiz Prillaman.
“Examining Perceptual and Archival Measures of Performance in the Context of Nursing Home Care.” Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque NM, November 8-10, 2014, with Anna A. Amirkhanyan, Laurence J. O'Toole, Jr., Mueen A. Dakhwe and Shawn Janzen.
“Is the Performance Effect of Management Underestimated? Comparing Public Managers' and Front-line Employees' Perceptions of Management,” SPSA January 15-17, 2015, with Nathan Favero, Simon Calmar Andersen, Laurence J. O'Toole and Søren Winter.
“Environmental Complexity, Managerial Strategy and Organizational Performance,” SPSA January 15-17, 2015, with Kristen Carroll.
“If Management Matters, What About the Sector? Evaluating Public and Private Managers in U.S. Higher Education,” MPSA 2015, Chicago, IL, April 16-19, 2015, with Claire Stieg.
“Exploring the Antecedents and Implications of Managerial Perceptions of Regulation: The Case of Nursing Homes.” 13th National Public Management Research Conference, June 11-13, 2015, Minneapolis, MN, with Anna Amirkhanyan and Laurence O’Toole.
“Managers’ Implementation Responses to Policy and Management Reforms.”13th National Public Management Research Conference, June 11-13, 2015, Minneapolis, MN, with Nathan Favero, Simon Calmar Andersen, Laurence J. O'Toole and Søren Winter.
“Representative Bureaucracy and Public Service Performance: Where, Why and How Does Representativeness Work?” European Group on Public Administration, August 26-28, 2015 Toulouse, France with Rhys Andrews, Sandra Groeneveld, and Eckhard Schröter.
“A Substantive Seat at The Table? Election Systems and Policy Responsiveness in Latino Education Policy.” APSA September 3-6, 2015, San Francisco, with Angel L. Molina, Jr.
“Women and Public Administration in Comparative Perspective: The Case of Representation in Brazilian Local Governments.” ASPA March 18-22, 2016, Seattle Washington, with Kendall Funk.